Telecom Direct USA
Telecom Direct USA was founded in 1989 by Gary Hursey with a focus on delivering communications solutions to Small Business and Large Enterprise customers alike. Telecom Direct delivers businesses hassle-free solutions including upgrading or replacing legacy phone systems, implementing advanced new VOIP networks, customizing voice applications to revolutionize business, or moving communications to the cloud. Our focus is on finding a communication solution that fits your business.
Our philosophy and guiding principles:
Take care of existing customers. Handling their service needs appropriately is our first priority.
Deal with folks honestly, meet expectations, and beat deadlines. Reputation is our most important asset.
Treat employees well to decrease turnover and enable us to solve your service needs.
Find the best technology solutions from stable manufacturers with a history of great results.
Be inquisitive. Learn as much as possible about the industry, the culture, the needs and the expectations of each new customer
Offer the best available advice to customers based on what we would do in their situation, applying our knowledge to their circumstances.
Continuing the high level of customer service and satisfaction set by: